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Varicose Veins Self-Management: Useful Tips 


Varicose veins are not only unsightly, but also a functional complication that prevents flow of blood from legs to the heart. Happily, you can always see a doctor for varicose vein treatment when your condition becomes unbearable. With that said, there are lifestyle remedies you can adopt at home to ease the pain and discomforts that varicose veins can cause.  These include:



You can help with the management of your varicose veins by getting on the move. For example, you may make it a habit to take a walk to promote the circulation of blood within your legs. If this exercising is a viable option for you, your vein doctor can suggest the intensity of exercising that's excellent for your condition. Read more great facts on how to Get rid of varicose veins, click here. 


Mind Your Diet and Weight

Losing excessive weight can ease needless pressure on your veins. Your diet can play a role as well. For instance, eating foods with low-salt levels can check swelling on your legs that may result from higher water retention.


Mind Your Wardrobe

What you wear may ease or complicate your varicose vein problem. For starters, high heels should be off limits when you have venous disorders of this nature. With low-heel shoes, your calf muscles are engaged more, and that's great for your veins. Likewise, avoid tight or constrictive outfits around the waist, groins, or legs. Such clothing can impeded blood circulation.  Find out for further details on vein removal right here. 


Keep Legs Elevated

Taking time to elevate your legs a number of times in a day can help enhance blood circulation. For instance, raising the legs to a point above your heart level can help. 


Don't Stand or Sit for Too Long

There will be increased blood flow if you keep switching your posture every now and then. Also, standing for too long is not recommended if you have varicose veins.


Avoid Crossing Legs When Sitting

Certain experts believe that crossing legs while sitting can complicate blood circulation.

While there's no proven way to completely avoid varicose veins, boosting your blood circulation can keep the risk of developing the complication at minimum. When you already have varicose veins, enhanced circulation can prevent the development of additional ones.


All in all, consult a specialist of vascular disorders for help determining the right course of action if you have varicose veins. Make sure the physician you see is competent in this specialty by virtue of training, practice, continuous education, and board certification. The doctor should also be able to utilize advanced techniques for testing and treating venous disorders.

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